Would you like to know more about Viamigo or do you have a specific question about one of its functionalities? Don’t hesitate to contact us at info@viamigo.beor via +32 (0) 11 26 91 30. We an be reached on working days beetween 9am and 5pm. ABEONAconsult BVBA |
In 2013, the V-Pad instrument was updated in a collaboration between the Transportation Research Institute (IMOB, Hasselt University) and the Research and Knowledge Centre Inclusion & ICT (K-point, Thomas More). Thanks to V-pad, people with disabilities were able to travel independently and safely while being supervised by a coach. In order to supervise the V-pad user, SMS technology was used. The updated instrument was named “V-Pad” and later on “Viamigo”. Currently, this tool is no longer publicly available.
The Viamigo platform presented on this website is a new implementation that was developed by IMOB and that is not based on SMS, but on state-of-the-art communications technology. Viamigo is made available through the UHasselt spin-off ABEONAconsult BVBA.
Instituut voor Mobiliteit |
K-point |